Sunday, September 13, 2009

We're Engaged!!!!!

Hi all, we just wanted to fill you in on some good news we've got to share...

Last Thursday, during our sunset stroll on the beach in San Sebastian, Spain, Mike proposed and we are now engaged!!! We will be sure to share more about our special experience soon, but meanwhile, we wanted to spread the good news.
Love, Mike and Kristin


Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure what the news was. Iam so happy for the both of you. What a memory you will have being engaged in Spain!
Love you,
Aunt Patti & Mike

pjberger said...

Yahoo! So happy for you and for me, I just love weddings. And what about my nephew Michael, isn't he the romantic one. Your Dad taught you well. What a phenomenal place to create a memory of a lifetime. Love you both. Aunt Peg

dale/kathy ochs said...

Mike & Kristin,
Congrats! Dad & I are so happy for you both. We look forward to the many big moments in your future! Enjoy Portugal! One month down, two more to go. Love, Mom & Dad

The Seals Family said...

Mike and Kristen,
What wonderful news. Mike is sure the romantic-sunset stroll-quite impressive. May God's blessings be on you both now and in your bright and loving future.
Love, The Seals Family

Cousin Bill said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you are having a great time. Say "Hi" to the prince for me when you are in Monaco. You should stay at the Hotel de Paris. It is a similar to an upscale Golden Pheasant Inn. If you can't stay there at least have a $14 coke-lite at the restaurant on the roof overlooking the Harbor. My boat is the white one, third from the left as you look North. I'd offer it out to you but I rented it to some other cousins who recently got engaged and are touring Europe. Enjoy! Bill and Jen

Unknown said...

Congrats you guys!!! Grandma and I are so excited for you both. Cant wait to hear more upadates about your euro experience. stay safe and keep enjoying everything.
Aunt Patti & of course Aiden

Anonymous said...

Wow! We are so excited for you. what a great memory, how romantic. We are enjoying reading about your adventures. Take care,lots of love, have fun, and see ya when you get home. Love Kim & Brad.

Heather & Amy J said...

Congratulations to both of you! What happy news!
Cousin Heather, Matt & Amy

Anonymous said...

OMG, I can't believe I just found out!! Congratulations ... I am sooo sooo happy for you guys! When I saw your status on facebook, I wanted more details and remembered your blog. I had a feeling there would be more details there - so it was my turn to do some stalking!! haha Now I realize I have a lot of catching up to do too, but I'm really excited to read all about your trip! Anyhow, love you both and enjoy this special time!! xoxo Natalie Little : )

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