Thursday, August 20, 2009

Goodbye Germany, Hello Amsterdam!!

Hello everyone!

Sorry it's taken us awhile to find a computer! We made it here safely and began our journey along the Rhine River in Germany. We cruised the river by ferry from Rudesheim to Bacarach our first afternoon, and enjoyed views of the amazing castles lining the river along the way. Our first evening, we stayed at a pension (similar to a bed and breakfast) - where we were served a traditional German dinner consisting of goulash (meat and potatoes) and vegetables. The next day, we toured the ruins of Burg Rheinfels Castle in St. Goar, Germany. Then, we cruised to the large city of Cologne. We spent about 3 hours trying to find a place to stay because we were unaware of a 'gaming convention' that was taking place ( ie: computer games, which is why we were unaware...) . We ended up getting a good rate at a hotel afterall and everything worked out perfectly. Lucky for us, even Subway is open til 5am in Germany... but we were able to find a great Cuban restaurant where we enjoyed €4 drink specials and a late night dinner. This morning, we visited the Kolner Dom Cathedral in Cologne, which was absolutely breathtaking... literally. We walked around the Cathedral looking for the main entrance in the record-breaking German heat. Then, we found what we thought to be the main entrance to the building. We paid our entrance fee, and began our tour - which turned out to be a 450ft vertical climb up one of the cathedral tower staircases. During the humid climb, our lack of direction was exhausting - but all in all, the views of the city and the tower bell were worth it and amazing. After our descent back down the tower staircase, we questioned whether that was all there was to the tour. We then walked around the rest of the cathedral and found the REAL main entrance, which allowed us to view the inside of the cathedral for free... who would have thought??! The ceilings had to be 200 feet tall and the display of stained glass was the best we'd ever seen. Mike said the cathedral was probably 2x the size of the St. Patricks Cathedral in NY. Hopefully we will get some pictures of it up here soon.

After our visit to the Cathedral, we took the train to Amsterdam (an easy 2.5 hour train ride). On our ride, we ran into some Amsterdam locals (a mother and son who were returning from a vacation in Cambodia). They gave us a wealth of information about the city and reassured us that our hostel reservations were in a good location. Tonight, we are bunking up with 2 nice guys from Italy, although we really only met them for a few minutes before going our separate ways for the evening. Amsterdam is definitely a happening place... tonight we hung out on the Leidseplein until about 1am, where the streets and bars were still crowded when we were heading in. We watched the performance of a Dutch band called de Corona, who performed music ranging from Sublime to national songs of the Netherlands. We could only understand half of what was said (or maybe less), but it was a great time!

We've already decided to stay an extra night in Amsterdam. Tomorrow we plan to visit the Van Gogh Museum and the Heineken Brewery... we don't know how much farther we'll get from there!

We'll keep you updated on our travels.

Love, Mike and Kristin


Anonymous said...

Enjoy "DAS BOOT" Don't forget to swirl at the heel!!
Best beer is still brewed here in Milwaukee!!!!
Can you find Sunset Wheat?
I'm sure now you have figured out who this may be.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin and Mike,
How exciting for the both of you!!! A trip of a more ways than one :-) Sounds like you two are having a great time and I am so happy for both of you......seeing the world and living large! I can only hope you are taking more pictures than I could in a year - hee hee.

Love you and look forward to the next adventure! Aunt Denise

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
Sounds like you are getting the most out of your days! Looking forward to your next entry and of course pictures. Take care, Love Mom.

Mom and Dad Perez said...

It is so exciting to hear from you! Sounds like the two of you are getting in shape for the "Amazing Race"! Thank you for sharing your journey. We look forward to reading about your next adventure! We Love safe!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear about your next destinations-remember to stop and breath once in a while :) Cindy Seals

The Owens said...

Hey guys-

We love hearing about your trip, sounds pretty awesome. I am so glad you started a blog, it's so fun to read! Well enjoy every minute of your trip and be safe. I start clinical rotations in a week, yikes!!! Miss you guys lots.

Anonymous said...

Hi you two,
Just viewed all your photos, I feel as if I'm there with you!! It looks like you are having a great time. Thanks for posting the pics.
Love you both and continue to have fun but be safe.
Aunt Patti & Mike

Anonymous said...

Ken Baca would like to meet up with you while he is in Paris. He arrives Tuesday 9/1 and is there until Sunday 9/6 - then on a cruise. His cell is: 619-890-9700. The hotel is K and K Cayre. email is I can be reached at: 760-494-3326 or email

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